Extensive experience.
Environmental enforcement actions, development, and transactional planning require in-depth knowledge and cross-disciplinary experience with the law, the regulators, and the realities of the business world. Council Baradel’s environmental law group boasts significant experience assisting countless clients in a full range of environmental law matters, including:
- Wetlands
- Contaminated site remediation
- Property transactions
- Brownfields
- Underground storage tanks
- Water and air pollution
- Solid waste disposal
- Riparian rights
- Critical Areas
- Acquaculture leasing
- Tree preservation issues
We handle regulatory permitting and contracting issues for businesses and municipalities that use toxic substances, treat wastewater, and seek solid waste disposal permits. We protect our client’s rights through negotiation, mediation, administrative agency proceedings, and litigation in State and federal courts.
Please send us an email and one of our attorneys will be in contact with you in a timely manner.